What is CPH4 Drug ? 6-carboxytetrahydropterin synthase

CPH4 6-carboxytetrahydropterin synthase I was amaze watching LUCY today I like science movies... Here's my review that make me amaze : Average people include me use only 10% to 11% of brain capacity by working,learning,moving,socializing,etc What happen if someone reach 100% brain capacity ? These higher percentages correlate with her brain capacity usage 1) control of the cell; 2) control of others; 3) control of matter; and 4) control of time and many more. A blue crystalline synthetic drug called CPH4 (finction name) that make someone reach 100% brain capacity The real chemical name is 6-carboxytetrahydropterin synthase CPH4 is a molecule that the pregnant woman is making it after six weeks of pregnancy in very - very tiny quantities. And it’s true that the power of this product for a baby is the power of an atomic bomb. (Fact) That's all i know about it. Thanks